Support us to build a legacy
Our focus is on unifying public, private, and non-profit constituencies with the goal of funding a multi-year scientifically informed pond restoration. Your financial support will be critical to raising $3 million for the first five years of work. Given our holistic view of Chilmark Pond as a single ecosystem with many stakeholders, our goal is to use these funds to advance restoration projects employing the very best available science.
Our Focus
Contribute a monthly or one-time gift online using ACH, Master Card, Visa or American Express through our secured server. To donate online, simply click here.
Simply mail a check payable to Chilmark Pond Foundation to:
Chilmark Pond Foundation
455 State Road, PMB #384
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
By Mail
If you prefer to make a gift of appreciated securities, please email Douglas Sacks, Treasurer, at douglas.sacks@chilmarkpondfoundation.org. He will provide you with instructions to make your stock donation.
Gifts of
Ways To Give
The community has a responsibility for the stewardship of this most precious and fragile resource. Establishing the Foundation was a critical first step in engaging the community and developing a restoration plan. Now, we need your financial support to help us achieve our goals.
Financial Goals
The CPF will need to fund $3 million in operating expenses over the next 5 years.
CPF & GPF Scientific Collaboration
Dredge Permitting
Dredge Equipment Purchase
Dredge Maintenance & Operations
Cyanobacteria Monitoring & Reporting
Future Projects Based on Scientific Findings
Legal / Accounting / Consulting / Development
General Operating Expenses